Access Control Systems

Protecting facilities and keeping employees safe is a primary goal for all business leaders. Many businesses are focused on increasing the security and safety of their properties, including having better management of employee and visitor traffic. However, many of these businesses find themselves at a crossroads between adding security and managing cash flow. Today, the ability to remotely manage security is less of an option and more of a demand.

Access to the territory of almost any enterprise is always limited in a certain way. In addition, even in relatively small companies, not only access control is required, but also a system for recording the time each employee stays at the workplace. Such an organization of entry / exit allows for comprehensive monitoring of personnel, to prevent the entry into the territory of persons who do not have the necessary access.

Access control and management systems are by far the most effective way to implement security for both a single room and an entire enterprise. Installation and installation of access control systems is another service of our company that our experts are ready to provide at a professional level.

Tasks that the access control and management system solves

ACS system is a whole range of technical solutions for access control to a guarded object. The functions of such a system are truly extensive:

  • control the movement of employees of the office, company or business center in order to prevent their unauthorized exit, maintain discipline and organize effective work. It is carried out using an individual device (electromagnetic key or card), which activates a barrier, door or turnstile and allows an employee to get to work;
  • accounting for staff time, as a result of which the use of a specialized program allows you to process data on the actual number of hours worked per month;
  • the installation of access control systems in conjunction with a surveillance camera provides reliable guarantees to prevent unauthorized access to the premises and hacking.

Thus, the installation of access control systems is a popular service that can solve current problems at a variety of sites.

ITC Data, Inc. can provide your business with State-of-the-art Access Control Solutions. We will install all the Control Panels/Hardware, We will setup for you Visitor Management Systems, install card/token readers and manage/teach end users.

Professional IT Services